I moved to Barcelona with the intention of finding an Alexander Technique teacher and continuing my studies of the technique. I have studied AT at different times in my life, and it has helped me find more ease and comfort in my body. While asking around for a teacher, Milsy was recommend by three different women in my Expat community. I have since studied with Milsy for almost two years. She is by far the most gifted AT teacher I have had. As a former dancer and dance teacher, Milsy has an extraordinary eye that sees everything - every little extra effortful or tense movement or gesture - and is able to articulate what she sees to her students in language and imagery that is clear, helpful and insightful.
AT is both simple and complex; it is multifaceted and takes patience and mindfulness on the part of the student and teacher. Milsy has an uncanny ability to simplify, clarify and breakdown the technique so that it is able to be digested and applied in the student's everyday life. Her touch while I am on the table is intelligent and informative, and it guides you to new and unknown places of comfort and release.
Milsy is the perfect teacher to shepherd her students toward a new understanding of and existence in their bodies. Her calm, patient and nurturing nature allows for shifts, release and change to happen in her students in both small and profound ways. As I said before she is the most gifted teacher I have ever had, and I would recommend her enthusiastically, wholeheartedly and emphatically.
Jenn Krebs Rapkin, Naturopathic Physician
I have been learning the Alexander technique with Milsy for the past eight months in regular weekly classes.The Technique has helped me to develop an awareness and control over my habits, and to notice when I need to change my attitudes or reactions to daily life stimulis. Now I can find what I need to do to help myself if I feel in pain. I always came out of her classes with re-knewed energy and with a cleaner and more open mind. Milsy has been a very patient and supportive teacher. Her classes were always personalized, and she always found the ways to help me, and to explain the steps in a way that I could understand and integrate them. I feel that I developed a better coordination thanks to her classes, and now I can apply this knowledge to any of my daily activities.
Orsi Csoma, Artist/Designer and Music Therapist
Empecé clases de Técnica Alexander con Milsy con el objetivo de aliviar mi frecuente dolor cervical al realizar actividades como tocar la guitarra o trabajar con el ordenador. En medio año he mejorado muchísimo en este y otros aspectos. Estoy muy contento y sorprendido!He descubierto que mi rigidez muscular tiene que ver con cosas que habitualmente hago (mal) sin darme cuenta, y que puedo controlar y cambiar. A los pocos meses de practicar me sentía tan ligero que pensé que había adelgazado 5 kilos, y mi peso era el de siempre! Mis articulaciones están ahora más libres y tengo más energía. Mis pies sudan menos... Y me siento más fuerte y confiado en diferentes ámbitos de mi vida. Milsy es muy atenta y transmite sus amplios conocimientos con rigor y entusiasmo. Sus clases son amenas y estimulantes. Recomiendo totalmente aprender Técnica Alexander con ella!
Jordi, Musico/Terapeuta Musical
I have always led a very active lifestyle and am in tune with my body. In my early 40s, I started my own business and spent a lot of time on the computer and phone. A did not realize I was learning new bad habits that were affecting my body. By my mid 40’s I had developed Thorasic Outlet Syndrome. My limbs would go numb, mostly at night in bed. It became a challenge to get a good nights sleep. Basically a condition where, due to bad posture, my nerves became kinked. My chiropractor suggested Alexander Technique. I was fortunate enough to have worked with Milsy! After a few sessions, I became aware of my proper spine placement and started sleeping well again! It was a commitment on my part as Milsy trained me to notice my bad habits and replace them with proper body usage. After about a 20 sessions, I can now recognize and implement good placement. I have a relaxing and simple daily routine that Milsy taught me that keeps my body aligned. Old habits are hard to break but a tune up with Milsy is all my body needs! Thank you Milsy for my my restful nights!
Mindy Michtner, Boat Captain/Entrepreneur
I started Alexander Technique with Milsy already with some knowledge of the practice, having an aunt who is a teacher trainer in the technique and another aunt who uses it in her therapy work. I now attend sessions regularly with Milsy, as I’ve realised how much I enjoy learning about the intricacies of the spine and how crucial my awareness and understanding of my ingrained habits related to my posture is to my overall wellbeing. I have moderate sclerosis which I only discovered as an adult and which has contributed to various back and shoulder tensions. Through regular AT sessions I am now slowly beginning to understand the root of the discomfort I have been experiencing for many years. I can slowly and naturally feel my body responding to the work, opening, and feeling lighter. Milsy is incredibly passionate about what she does, which I think is so important. She transmits the passion she has for the technique to her students. I feel encouraged to take the tools she teaches me into my daily life and to apply them. I would fully recommend Milsy’s sessions – I have already done so a number of times!
Alice Beste, Conference Coordinator