Frederick Alexander working on the head, neck and back relationship.
What is A.T.?
Alexander technique is a technique created by Frederick Matthias Alexander, over 100 years ago, that teaches you the skills on how to improve on your inner coordination.
And why does that matter? It matters because when your inner coordination is working well you will be functioning at a more optimal state AND most aches and pains diminish or go away all together. Additionally, you breath better, you sleep better, your mood is better, your mind is calmer and you will move with more ease and grace.
How do we teach inner coordination? We teach it in 3 steps: 1- we identify your postural habits that are harmful to your inner coordination, 2-we then teach you the proper relativity of the body to obtain a proper inner coordination (**primary control) 3-we discuss ‘response to stimulus’ and how that can effect your inner coordination.
**The primary control is FM Alexander's greatest discovery. The head, neck & back relativity to oppose the floor is what FM Alexander called the Primary Control.
"People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures."
-F.M. Alexander